Sunday, April 27, 2008

How do you know I love you?

Hi Everyone - sorry I've been gone for so long. I've had a lot of "fires" to put out. I'm going to try and post once a week and see how that goes.

The other day I asked my little princess if I love her. She said "yes". I asked how do you know I love you?

She said "Because you take care of me".

I thought that was so interesting. It wasn't because you buy me things or because you homeschool me or because you take me places or let me play with friends - it was because I take care of her.

I thought hmmmm.... I decided to take a mini- survey with my kids. I asked my seven year old - He said the same thing - because you take care of me. My fifteen year old said because you care for me and if someone says something about me you get really mad! My ten year old said because you discipline us and tell us right from wrong. AMAZING - wouldn't you say?? Really, when it comes down to it our kids just want us - they want to know they count, we care for them and we take the time to meet their needs.

Isn't that what God is asking us in Titus 2:4 "... that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children...."

I guess that's how I know God loves me, too!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - well, one word - Hi ja!!!!!

Hi ja (actually in Japanese it should be Kia!)

I tell you, if you aren't in karate, you are missing out. It's a blast!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Marriage Monday - Feelings

It's our 19th wedding anniversary Tuesday. I am married to the most wonderful man.

Happy anniversary, Sweetheart. I love you! I am SO thankful to the Lord for you.

I found a great blog last week -Kysha. She participates in Marriage Mondays of which I was excited to participate. I thought it would be my chance to share the things that God has taught me about marriage and how God has literally done miracles with my SS. (super stud).

Then BAM! Friday night came. All my "great" thoughts about marriage were tested. I was mad. I was offended. My "feelings" were hurt about --- nothing really. He was tired from the week. He didn't feel like talking when "I" needed to talk. Ok, ok, ok, here's where it gets tough. Feelings and emotions supersede God's word. Which is true? Which do I chose to obey? "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6. Well, my feelings won for the night but I knew God was convicting me of my error and would teach me yet another lesson. Hopefully I'll learn one of these days. God's way is always best even if it goes against my feelings and emotions.

Here's what I pray almost every day:
"..... rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 3:4 (Read the whole chapter, it's great.)

God, please give me a gentle and quiet spirit. I want my life to be very precious and pleasing to You in all I do. Please forgive the many times I mess up. Amen.

Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith,


Friday, March 7, 2008

It's time to pray .... and pray hard.

Below is a copy of a report issued by HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association).


March 4, 2008

Follow Up—Bad Decision by Second Appellate District of California

CA Case Petition

As many of you know, the Second Appellate District Court of Los Angeles handed down a very bad decision regarding a case involving a homeschool family.

Home School Legal Defense Association was not involved with this case, and the family are not members, which is why we only heard about this case when the opinion was released on February 28, 2008.

Since legal cases have many facets, and we are starting from scratch, it takes time to investigate and fully absorb all the facts which led up to a particular decision. We are in the middle of that process, but because of the interest in this case we want to give you as much information as we can regarding the implications for California.

The opinion holds that homeschooling is not a legal option in California. HSLDA strongly disputes this interpretation of California law. We believe that the court made a mistake when it relied on two decisions reached in the 1950s in order to show that homeschooling is not a legal option.

If the opinion is followed, then California will have the most regressive law in the nation and homeschooling will be effectively banned, because the only legal way to homeschool will be for the parent to hold a teaching certificate. Parents should not have to attend a four-year college education program just to teach their own children.

California is now on the path to being the only state to deny the vast majority of homeschooling parents their fundamental right to teach their own children at home.

HSLDA stands ready to provide assistance in appealing this decision in order to show the court that it made a mistake. It should have ruled that homeschooling is a fundamental right and that parents have a legal option to homeschool in California.

Other Resources

Read the court opinion. (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

For more information on the legal grounds for homeschooling in California. (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

HSLDA's Response to Ruling of California Court of Appeal

I used to live in California. As someone once told me "as goes California, so goes the rest of the nation". We as homeschoolers need to pray diligently for our right as parents to raise our children the way we see fit. We have a Biblical right to homeschool. Let's raise our voices and cry out to God to intervene and preserve our fundamental rights. Pray for this family, Pray for the attorneys. Pray for HSLDA for wisdom, strength, and favor with the courts. We need God to fight this battle. Pass this information on to everyone you know.

In constant prayer,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Super Thrifty Jerky and Pinatas!

I have a couple of suggestions for the money-saving recipe swap. Being the cheapskate that I am my family does a number of things to save money.

Homemade Thrifty Beef Jerky:

During the last couple weeks my husband has made 3 homemade batches of beef jerky. We all really like jerky but it is so expense in the stores - even WalMart brands -what a rip off! What 5 pieces of jerky for $3 - $4??!! I don't think so!

Here's what he does:

By the cheapest roast (whatever they have on sale), freeze then partially thaw or just partially freeze. It makes it a lot easier to slice thin if is a little frozen. Slice thin - 1/8" (You could ask a butcher to slice it for you).

Marinade with teriyaki sauce or soy sauce
Mix in whatever spices you want - Garlic, onion powder, season salt (there's plenty of salt in the teriyaki)
Marinade as for a few hours or overnight

Dry on a food dehydrator or in a low temp oven on a cookie cooling rack with cookie sheet underneath to catch the juices.

Watch carefully. Dries quickly depending on how thin you slice it. Yum!

Pinata - anyone??!!

About a year and a half ago my second son was having a birthday and wanted a pinata. He like the "Incredibles" pinata. I took it up to the Walmart clerk - it cost somewhere around $20.00!! I almost flipped. I was not going to pay $20.00 for something my kids were going to rip to shreds! We went home and did a school project! We have since made two spiderman pinata's and one diamond-shaped- princess pinata that turned into pinata hockey.

Here's what we gathered together:
cardboard boxes
duct tape
tissue paper
wrapping paper
pictures of your "style" of pinata
a hanger
scotch tape
white paper

Here's what you do:

We cut the two pieces of cardboard into a desired shape (for spiderman we used an octagon shape) however big you want it. I think ours was approximately 15" diameter. (See the above picture.)

Cut cardboard pieces to fit in the sides (eight rectangular pieces for the octagon approx. 3"-4" wide). Use duct tape to attach to bigger cardboard pieces. This part usually takes two people - one to hold the pinata, one to apply the tape.
Before you totally tape all the sides of the pinata, put a hanger in the middle and tape on the inside in place. Bend the hook to a circle. Make a small hole somewhere at the top to put the candy inside. Tape over the hole after the candy is inside.

Decorate with tissue paper or whatever wrapping paper you have.
We put white paper on the front and made a spiderweb and put a picture we copied of spiderman in the middle of the spiderweb.

For the princess pinata we taped a picture of a princess to the front.

You can use ribbon or whatever you have - use your imagination - to decorate your pinata.

Use a rope to hang from the highest tree, hit with a stick.

The kids love doing this. It makes a really strong pinata especially if you use duct tape. Everyone gets to have a turn at hitting it - even the big kids.

We played "pinata hockey" at my daughters party in February. She really wanted a pinata but there was snow outside and there was NO way I would let the kids hit a pinata in the house. So we decided to go downstairs and play hockey with the pinata. We took turns hitting it with a stick, kicking it, just basically "beating up" the princess pinata. It was fun and it worked!

Have fun! God Bless!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In the Hand's of the Father...

My kids were playing in the living room the other day. Do you ever have those moments that you look at them and your heart is overwhelmed with love? I know we all have those other frustrating moments. This time they were playing so well together, having a great time and just being kids. I had a thought that touched my heart so deeply I wanted to share it with you. I thought this is one of the reasons God gave me children - to understand how He feels about me. I would do anything for my kids. I would jump in front of a car, take a bullet, literally lay down my life for any of them without a second thought. Our Heavenly Father loves all of us beyond words. I don't even think we can understand the depth of His love. Sometimes the cares and worries of this life bog us down so much we lose sight of that fact. "Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 No matter how big or small the problem - He said ALL your anxiety.. A good thing to never forget.

In His Love,

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Party Time

As I said last week, my baby turned 5 this weekend - sigh. We had a great time with family and friends last Saturday. I was really sad on Saturday. Five seems so old, doesn't it? It's kind-of like leaving little-girl-hood and moving on to big-girl-hood stage. She quite the girl, also, she is five moving on the 16! It doesn't seem like she is staying little as long as the boys did. She is definitely moving on to big and better things.

Her Grannie bought her a play iron board and iron. I was secretly grinning to myself hoping this would be the start of training my little girl for my least favorite household chore. She seems absolutely happy ironing away. Go, girl, go!! One of her friends gave her the cutest little apron that her mom made (Randi at I have to say), which, by the way, she had to iron right away. It was the perfect start to her first day of "big-girl-hood". It still makes me a little sad. After all, she is my baby.

Children are such a blessing!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What a terrible thought...........

We are studying Genesis again in our homeschool with a slightly different twist. We aren't just studying facts and "Bible Stories". We are trying to get down to God's principals and how it applies to our lives right now, today, everyday. We were talking specifically about Genesis 2: 7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being." We did a T chart to illustrate the difference between Man and animals - how God made us different. I told the kids a lot of scientists put man on the same level as animals. They say we are just another mammal. I told them it is true we have similarities to animals such as two eyes, four limbs, nose, mouth, fingers, etc. Why? (They already knew the answer because we've talked about it before.) We all have the same Creator!
Here's some of the differences we came up with: We have a definite language, we can invent and discover things, we rule over the earth, we can have a relationship with Almighty God!

We then talked about if we were like the animals what would happen if we died? We would just die. That's it. Nothing more. Done. Finite. It hit my kids like a ton of bricks. My 15 year old said "That's really scary!" No hope. No purpose. No reason to live or make life the best we can. It was a great "ah ha!" moment for all of us. Thank God we DO have a reason to live, we have a purpose to live the right way - every day, we have a goal set before us. One day we will live with Him forever if we live for Him today. What a wonderful hope! Jesus is the Answer for our lives today.

Living for Him,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


My baby girl will be five this weekend...... sigh,,,,,,,, sigh,,,,,,,,, sigh again. I still picture her like this picture. Actually I picture all of my kids right around 3 or 4, definitely not taller and bigger than me like my 15 year old. Where does the time go? Everyday is a wonderful gift from the Lord. What joy God has brought to my life because of my kids. I've been thinking of "Trust" for a couple of weeks now.
"As for God, His way is perfect; The Word of the Lord is proven: He is a shield to all who trust in Him." Psalm 18:30

We have been going through a lot of different circumstances in our life were we have to totally trust God. We have placed our lives in His ever-able hands. There is no greater opportunity to trust the Lord than with our children. They are His... We have to trust the Lord with their lives whether they are 5 or 15. He is worthy of our trust.

In His care,

Monday, February 18, 2008

It's a dog's life.....

This is one of our dogs. We have two dogs. Adding them to the family was totally my husband's idea. I protested because I knew who would be taking care of them since my kids were still pretty little when we got them. I was right... another job for mom but I have since really learned to love and appreciate them. We live up in the mountains and I know if an unwelcome visitor such as a bear or mountain lion ever came near my kids the dogs would fight until the death. I thought about writing about them because we are starting a unit study on the Iditarod. I receive the homeschool magazine "The Old Schoolhouse". They have some great articles on this dog race in Alaska. I know my kids would enjoy this study because they love the story of Balto. There is website to follow the race which starts March 2. I'll be writing more as go along. Here's the link:
Happy sledding!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's all about being together...Valentine's day and every day

Being a TRUE Valentine.........

KARATE ----------- NO WAY, NOT ME! That was what I said several years ago. I was totally a "girl" sport person. I did ballet, gymnastics, baton, aerobics, running, racquetball, swimming but karate never even entered my mind as being an option. My husband did some karate before I met him. He always walked around the house doing karate moves and yelling "hi-ja". When he started karate I had no desire to join. He joined to spend time with our boys. The school they joined was absolutely fantastic. The adults and the kids did classes together. It was very family friendly. It was exactly what we were looking for. I sat there watching, taking care of my babies and then watching some more. A couple of other moms/wives (who also watched their families do karate) and I started talking. We were all saying "Why are we sitting here??". We all started together - all six of us. Our Sensei (teacher) was so surprised to see us all in our white gis (uniforms) standing in front of him. It was great. I have enjoyed it immensely. Number one - I spend time with my family, not away from them. We are learning together. We encourage one another. It is another way to create a bond with my husband and my kids. My marriage has been strengthen through karate. I read a marriage book a long time ago that encouraged wives to get involved with their husbands interests. I tell you ladies it really works! My husband appreciates the fact I enjoy something he enjoys. I really could go on and on how karate has been a blessing to me. I'm sure I'll write more at another time. Our link to our karate website is on my links if you are interested. We are having an open house at our school this weekend. If you live in Canon City, CO - stop on by! Happy Valentine's day!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

An added note r: meatball soup

Just an added note to the meatball soup since I've had a couple inquiries:

Put the meatballs in the soup raw. This makes them really tender. Bring the soup to boiling after the everything is added, then simmer for approx. 45 minutes. I usually test a meatball or two to make sure they are done. Happy Souping!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Souper Mate

Sopa be Albondigas
(Meatball Soup)

Last night I went to talk to my husband while he was brushing his teeth I said "I need to get some pictures of the soup I made". He said "Pictures of your Super Mate??" Then he started to flex his muscles and pose actually thinking that is what I said. I was dying laughing!

Anyways, here are the actual pictures of the soup I made (I know you all really want the other pictures - sorry I don't share!)

This is a great soup. My family loves it on a cold Colorado day.

Sopa de Albondigas

1 med chopped Onion (1/2 c)
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp oil
4 cups water
2 cans chicken broth
1 can tomato paste
2 c potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 1/2 c sliced carrots
(any other veggies)
1 beaten egg
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp italian seasoning
1/2 tsp pepper
1 lb ground meat
1/4 c rice

In and large saucepan cook onion and garlic in hot oil until tender. Stir in water, broth and tomato paste. Bring to boiling. Add potatoes and carrots. Simmer 5 minutes. Meanwhile combine meat, egg, rice and spices - mix well with hands, make meatballs. Add meatballs to soup a few at a time to slowly simmering soup. Return soup to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer partially covered for 45 minutes or until veggies are done.
Cheese, sour cream and crushed tortilla chips are great on top!

p.s. The kids love making the meatballs!