Saturday, March 8, 2008

Marriage Monday - Feelings

It's our 19th wedding anniversary Tuesday. I am married to the most wonderful man.

Happy anniversary, Sweetheart. I love you! I am SO thankful to the Lord for you.

I found a great blog last week -Kysha. She participates in Marriage Mondays of which I was excited to participate. I thought it would be my chance to share the things that God has taught me about marriage and how God has literally done miracles with my SS. (super stud).

Then BAM! Friday night came. All my "great" thoughts about marriage were tested. I was mad. I was offended. My "feelings" were hurt about --- nothing really. He was tired from the week. He didn't feel like talking when "I" needed to talk. Ok, ok, ok, here's where it gets tough. Feelings and emotions supersede God's word. Which is true? Which do I chose to obey? "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6. Well, my feelings won for the night but I knew God was convicting me of my error and would teach me yet another lesson. Hopefully I'll learn one of these days. God's way is always best even if it goes against my feelings and emotions.

Here's what I pray almost every day:
"..... rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 3:4 (Read the whole chapter, it's great.)

God, please give me a gentle and quiet spirit. I want my life to be very precious and pleasing to You in all I do. Please forgive the many times I mess up. Amen.

Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith,



randi said...


You look GREAT in the picture! Wow! OK, Paul looks nice too. ;)

I know that it can be so hard to do what is right when we don't feel like it, but it is always a blessing, isn't it?

Happy upcoming anniversary to you and your SS. ;)

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I so appreciate that God never leaves us in our sin, but directs us back to Him. Congratulations on your anniversary! That's wonderful. :D

Renae said...

Congratulations! This is my fifteenth year of marriage. I'm still learning how to have a gentle and quiet spirit. Sigh. Thankfully, my husband loves me and my big mouth. I'm glad love covers a multitude of sin.

Peace to you,
Life Nurturing Education