Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I DARE you!

My little girl is quite the girl. She has three older brothers and she knows how to get her way with all of them. This creates quite the problem since we work on character so much in our home and schooling. She has been telling me on a daily basis when she is caught doing something she shouldn't - "well, he dared me." She thinks it's ok when someone dares her.

I use the principal approach in my schooling. One of the principals that the Noah Plan highlights is Christian Self-Government. It's a fancy way of saying self-control. "Self-control is man's response to the knowledge of God's will" taken from the Noah Plan Mathematics Curriculum Guide. If we try to teach our kids just "self-control" it doesn't work. We have to teach them the knowledge of God's will. The more we all know of God and have a close relationship with Him the more self control we can have. It's a whole different thing to my children when I say "God says". I so want my kids to know God from a intimate relationship not just about Him. The greatest thing in the world is walking with the Almighty God on a daily basis and knowing He wants to walk with me.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hanging in there...............................

"We must ALL hang together or most assuredly we will all hang separately."
Benjamin Franklin after signing the Declaration of Independence.

I love this quote and I love Benjamin Franklin. He truly had gifts from God that he used for the benefit of mankind, especially the United States of America.

As homeschoolers we need each other. We need to encourage, love and exhort one another all the more as we see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25). When we moved to Colorado 1 1/2 years ago I sought out homeschoolers. I prayed God would send friends for my kids and for my husband and me. He provided wonderful friends for all of us. I am so thankful. We need each other desperately. We are not islands, God never intended us to go at it all alone even when sometimes it would be easy to give up and forget every one else.

I have come to realize more than ever, especially in the last 24 hours, how much homeschooling is threat to the enemy of our souls, namely Satan. We are raising an army of young people who are being equipped every day to march for the Lord of hosts, to bring a light to this dark world, to stand for righteousness and proclaim the good news to a dying world. Of course, there will be hard times. Of course, bad things will happen. Of course, strife and arguments arise. BUT don't give up. Remember your original vision and see through the clouds to the big picture. It is so worth it!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Back to Homeschool Week

I am joining Randi at "I have to say" to "celebrate" the coming of back to homeschool. I'm saying "celebrate" because at this point in the summer my kids are a little (a lot) stir crazy and are SO ready to have a schedule and start learning.

Today's post is "What led to your decision to homeschool". Well, my husband came home from work one day approximately 10 years ago and slapped his hands on the table and said "I have a great idea! We're going to homeschool." I said "WHAT??? I don't think so." He had listened to a broadcast from Focus on the Family about how to homeschool. He thought the idea was fantastic. You have to understand my absolutely wonderful husband. He is a "if-I-going-to-do-
something-I'm-going-to-do-it-all-the-way" type of guy. He has gone to the extreme in everything he does. I am certainly not criticizing him at all. He puts his whole heart in to his endeavors. That's why I think he is successful in what he does (I love you, Sweetheart). Anyways, I knew where this was going and that I would lose. I put up a good fight anyways! I said "I want my kids to experience what I experienced, the music, the sports, social interaction." I had forgotten the peer pressure, the insecurity, the classes that went against my Christian beliefs. My husband told me he'd pray for me. That he did! Everywhere I went I met homeschoolers - the doctor's office, the dentist, the library, women's retreats at my church. It seemed everyone I ran into told me they homeschooled. I am no dummy- ha! I know when God is trying to get my attention! We then went to a homeschool convention - And here we are 10 years later. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Sharing this experience with my kids is one of the greatest things in my life. Seeing God answer prayer every day. Seeing my kid's face light up when they discover something or "it" finally hits them. It's been a lot of work but the benefits go waaaaaaayyyy beyond the sacrifice. We decided to homeschool because of a conviction God put in our hearts. That conviction has carried me through the hard days. It's great to do something you know God wants you to do because He gives the strength, He provides the means, He is there to listen to your every concern.

Today is my baby boy's 7th birthday. I have three boys and a girl. I wish the years were longer!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Living Life

Welcome to my BRAND new blog. My friend Randi has been subtly trying to persuade me to start a blog. Well, here I am. I am a wife and homeschool mom of four living in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. My goal in starting this blog is to encourage you to live your life the way God has intended you to live. Shortly after my husband and I first met told me he loved my laugh (which everyone made fun of), then several years later he asked me why I don't laugh anymore. Now I laugh again! I truly believe God's purpose for us to enjoy life and see God's hand moving in and through our lives.

Randi is doing a Back to School week with which I'll be participating. Be patient with me I'm just learning the ropes.