Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Party Time

As I said last week, my baby turned 5 this weekend - sigh. We had a great time with family and friends last Saturday. I was really sad on Saturday. Five seems so old, doesn't it? It's kind-of like leaving little-girl-hood and moving on to big-girl-hood stage. She quite the girl, also, she is five moving on the 16! It doesn't seem like she is staying little as long as the boys did. She is definitely moving on to big and better things.

Her Grannie bought her a play iron board and iron. I was secretly grinning to myself hoping this would be the start of training my little girl for my least favorite household chore. She seems absolutely happy ironing away. Go, girl, go!! One of her friends gave her the cutest little apron that her mom made (Randi at I have to say), which, by the way, she had to iron right away. It was the perfect start to her first day of "big-girl-hood". It still makes me a little sad. After all, she is my baby.

Children are such a blessing!


Tracy said...

Oh, guess what! My oldest daughter is 15, and ironing has been passed down from me to her! Yippee!!! Keep pretending that it's fun!

randi said...

Her ironing with the apron on is too cute! And I love the sound the iron makes.

The party was fun, even though it was your babe's 5th. I know it is sad to say goodbye to their babyhood!

Renae said...

Yes, the years go by so fast, but sometimes the days drag on and on... :) Seriously, that is very sweet. My Sunshine will turn 5 towards the end of this year. How can she be so big already! Waa...

Peace to you,
Life Nurturing Education

Anonymous said...

Five does seem old when it is your last baby. This year Rachel turns 9 (double digits next year) and Lean will be 8. How did that happen???

Oh, by the way, the meatball soup was great and a big hit!!!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, please pass the story onto your husband so he can be relieved of any burden related to figuring you out. It just is not possible, so he can quit trying! ;)