Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's all about being together...Valentine's day and every day

Being a TRUE Valentine.........

KARATE ----------- NO WAY, NOT ME! That was what I said several years ago. I was totally a "girl" sport person. I did ballet, gymnastics, baton, aerobics, running, racquetball, swimming but karate never even entered my mind as being an option. My husband did some karate before I met him. He always walked around the house doing karate moves and yelling "hi-ja". When he started karate I had no desire to join. He joined to spend time with our boys. The school they joined was absolutely fantastic. The adults and the kids did classes together. It was very family friendly. It was exactly what we were looking for. I sat there watching, taking care of my babies and then watching some more. A couple of other moms/wives (who also watched their families do karate) and I started talking. We were all saying "Why are we sitting here??". We all started together - all six of us. Our Sensei (teacher) was so surprised to see us all in our white gis (uniforms) standing in front of him. It was great. I have enjoyed it immensely. Number one - I spend time with my family, not away from them. We are learning together. We encourage one another. It is another way to create a bond with my husband and my kids. My marriage has been strengthen through karate. I read a marriage book a long time ago that encouraged wives to get involved with their husbands interests. I tell you ladies it really works! My husband appreciates the fact I enjoy something he enjoys. I really could go on and on how karate has been a blessing to me. I'm sure I'll write more at another time. Our link to our karate website is on my links if you are interested. We are having an open house at our school this weekend. If you live in Canon City, CO - stop on by! Happy Valentine's day!!


Tracy said...

Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and introducing yourself. What a sweet family you have. And how blessed you are to have Randi as a friend! Oh, if we only lived closer...

I'll be back!

Renna said...

Well, you know what 'they' say, the family that plays together, stays together!

I think it's so neat what your family is doing as a unit. I wish I'd realized the importance of doing things like that when my kiddos were little. Good for you!

Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm glad you did, because I'd forgotten to bookmark you in my blog reads. I'd just put you in my recipe folder. ;-Þ

Anonymous said...

Great post. Your family is a blessing to many!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I was checking out your karate site and sure wish we lived a little closer - the Springs to Canon is just a bit too far to drive on a regular basis. Sigh. We trying to find a good Christian martial arts school here. The one I was interested only takes kids up to 11 and the boys are 14 & 13. I think it's great that your entire family is involved. :D